
Protecting you Online

LNB is pleased to be able to provide you with ever increasing banking convenience through our sophisticated online services. As always, we place the highest priority on protecting your personal financial information, and we believe you should know about the steps we've taken to keep you secure, as well as what you can do to further protect yourself. Please remember, we will never ask you to provide personal information such as your account number, password or User ID to us via e-mail. If you receive any e-mail communications asking for this information, do not respond, reply or click on any link in the e-mail. These e-mails are part of a high-tech scam known as "phishing" and should be deleted immediately.

Online Banking Security

  • Sign-On ID and Password -- You can establish your Sign-On ID and Password at any LNB location. We encourage you to choose a Password that uses a combination of both numbers and letters, as these are the safest. Additionally, we strongly advise against using obvious Passwords, such as your birthdate or name. Be sure to keep your Sign-On ID and Password private, as you would your ATM PIN, and never share it with anyone. If you suspect that someone knows your Password, change it immediately online, this can be done at anytime. Simply log in using your Sign-On ID and Password. Once you are logged in to Online Banking, click on options in the top right hand corner. This will open a "Personal Options" page and allow you to designate a new Password. You can change your Sign-on ID by contacting your local branch.
  • Additional Layer of Security -- In order to make your online banking experience as safe as possible we've added an additional layer of security that monitors online activity to detect uncharacteristic or unusual behavior involving your online account. If anything out of the ordinary is detected, we will ask you to verify your identity by answering pre-set security questions. While banking online, you will be prompted at some point to pick security questions and answer those questions. If you are unable to answer your security questions when prompted to do so while accessing your online accounts, we will call you to verify that it is you who is attempting to access your online accounts. Most of the time you won't notice that the security feature is even there, but it will still be protecting you 24/7. If you have additional questions, call or stop by your local LNB Office or click here to view frequently asked questions regarding the additional layer of security.
  • Logging Out -- You should always log out of the LNB Online Banking system when you are finished using it, even if you are accessing it from your home computer. To further protect you, the system has an automatic log-off feature that will end your session after 10 minutes of inactivity. -Don't leave your PC while you are logged in to the online banking system. -When you finish your online banking session, you should use the Log-off button to leave the service, before visiting other Web sites. -Whenever possible, use LNB Online Banking and Bill Payer from your home computer. If that's not possible and other people have access to your PC, clear your browser's cache in order to remove copies of Web pages that may have been stored temporarily on your system. (Refer to your browser's Help file for instructions on clearing your cache.)
  • Web Site Encryption -- We have registered our secure site with VeriSign. Our VeriSign Digital Secure Server ID enables users to verify our site's authenticity and to communicate with it securely via state-of-the-art Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. As a result, all your information is encrypted using the most sophisticated methods available. This scrambles your personal information and makes it unreadable until it reaches your browser to protect against unauthorized viewing or usage -- especially during transmission.
  • E-mail Encryption -- The Lyons National Bank uses e-mail encryption to deliver non-public information securely. This service also solidifies customer trust, significantly reduces the risk of loss of reputation, and prevents data leaks. We adhere to guidelines issued by regulatory agencies, while streamlining the communication process. Our solution includes a database specifically designed to automatically detect and encrypt messages that contain personally identifiable information. It is transparent to the end users and helps prevent accidental transmission of confidential data.
  • Firewalls and Routers -- LNB's system of firewalls form a barrier between the Internet and our internal systems. All incoming information is routed through the firewall, which verifies the source and destination of each piece of information. We also utilize various monitoring systems to detect and stop suspicious and potentially fraudulent activity, such as repeated incorrect password attempts.

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